Participation Information

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What is the study about?

The purpose of the study is to explore the University experiences of men in the UK based on their age, gender and social class. 

Why have I been approached?

You have been approached as the study requires information on the experiences of men at University who self-define as working class and who started their undergraduate study aged 21 years or over or their postgraduate aged 25 years or over in the UK. At present little is known about this group of learners and how they experience University in the UK. 

Do I have to take part?

No. It’s completely up to you to decide whether or not you take part. Participation will in no way impact your relationship with your University. 

Incentives to participation

Entry in a free prize draw in a chance to win £100 in online shopping vouchers. Details of the prize draw are available on the dedicated research webpage: 

What will I be asked to do if I take part?

If you would like to take part, you would be asked to attend an interview (via an online platform such as Zoom). Due to uncertainties surrounding COVID, Face to Face interviews will not be possible.  Interviews will be organized on a one-to-one basis. The interviews will last approximately 60-90 minutes and aim to explore your personal experiences of attending University.

Will my data be Identifiable?                       

All data collected for this study will be kept confidential and stored securely on the researchers Lancaster University OneDrive account. Only the researcher will have full access to this information. 

  • Information received via email will be saved directly onto the researchers Lancaster University OneDrive account on their password protected computer and the original email deleted. All personal information will be deleted after the prize draw June 1st 2022.

  • Any hard copies of information containing participant details will be scanned and uploaded to the researchers University OneDrive account on their password protected computer and deleted after the free prize draw on June 1st 2022. Hard copies will be destroyed once securely saved. 

  • All personal and identifiable information will be kept and stored separately from your interview responses in designated folders on the researchers Lancaster University OneDrive account on their password protected computer.  

  • Interviews will be recorded on a password encrypted digital Dictaphone.

  • Audio recordings of interviews will be deleted once the researcher has transcribed and anonymised the interview.

  • Transcribed interviews will be anonymised by removing any identifying information including your name and replacing it with a generic label ‘Participant A etc…’. All reasonable steps will be taken to protect the anonymity of the participants involved in this project.

  • You will have two weeks to withdraw your anonymised interview data after the date of your interview. After this time every effort will be made to extract your data if possible. 

  • After the project has been assessed, your anonymised interview transcript will be securely stored on Lancaster University online repository PURE for 10 years. Other researchers wishing to utilize this data will have to submit a written request to the University of Lancaster’s Faculty of Health and Medicine where requests will be judged on a case-by-case basis.

  • Limits to confidentiality: if you disclose risk to yourself or to others, I have a duty of care to break confidentiality and discuss this with third parties. 

For further information about how Lancaster University processes personal data for research purposes and your data rights please visit

What will happen to the results? 

The results will be summarised and reported in my thesis. They may also be submitted for publication to a peer reviewed journal and presented at appropriate research conferences. You will be able to keep up to date with these developments via the dedicated research website:   


There are no risks anticipated with participating in this study. However, the nature of the research question requires you to consider the experiences of being a mature working class learner man. You will be given time to check in with the researcher during the interview process to discuss your current emotional state and if needed a suitable support plan will be arranged, which may include signposting to relevant support agencies. Every effort will be made by the researcher to promote your wellbeing during involvement with the research. 

Are there any benefits to taking part?

You may find the opportunity to explore your own lived experiences as a mature learner beneficial or cathartic in some way. However, this is not the aim of the research.

Who has reviewed the project?          

This study has been reviewed and approved by the Faculty of Health and Medicine Research Ethics Committee at Lancaster University.

Where can I obtain further information about the study if I need it?

If you have any questions about the study, please contact the main researcher:

Matthew  Lant, PhD Student Lancaster University

Mobile: 07861 680 235  


Dedicated research website: 

Project Supervisors

Dr Alex Kaley, Department: Health Research,

Telephone: +44 (0)1524 594636


Dr Mark Limmer, Department: Health Research,

Telephone: +44 (0)1524 593015 Email:


Your local IAPT service / Student services at the University / NHS mental Health Helplines 


If you wish to make a complaint or raise concerns about any aspect of this study and do not want to speak to the researcher, you can contact:

Dr Anna Diaches,Director for Health Research Division 

(01524) 594406 


Health Research Division, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 5YG

If you wish to speak to someone outside of the PhD in Mental Health Doctorate Programme, you may also contact:

Dr Laura Machin Tel: +44 (0)1524 594973 Chair of FHM REC


Faculty of Health and Medicine (Lancaster Medical School) Lancaster  

 Thank you for taking the time to read this Participant Information Sheet